Charles Fox

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  • Release Notes - June 24, 2020

    Understand Leakage Information in Patient Paths Understand the percent of patients who receive care outside your network in Patient Paths. We have added summary leakage statistics at both the netwo...

  • Insights

    Overview The Insights section of any analyze page will contain the most relevant metrics for the selected provider. Understanding the Metrics Hospitalization Rate This metric is the rate at which p...

  • Insights

    Overview  The Insights section of any analyze page will contain the most relevant metrics for the selected provider. These metrics will allow you to make a quick evaluation of the selected agency t...

  • Insights

    Overview The Insights section of any analyze page will contain the most relevant metrics for the selected provider. These metrics will allow you to make a quick evaluation of the selected physician...

  • Insights

    Overview  The Insights section of any analyze page will contain the most relevant metrics for the selected provider.    Understanding the Metrics 30 Day Readmission Rate A readmission is a care eve...

  • View Networks

    Overview  To facilitate a better understanding of the providers in your network(s), use the View Networks tab. Select a specific network from the Networks dropdown to view a list of all associated ...

  • Creating a Network

    Overview Networks are a grouping of NPIs or providers. Create a network to better understand the key metrics of providers in your existing network and evaluate performance. You can also use this to...

  • Patient Paths

    Overview On the Strategize page, the Patient Paths tab provides a visual representation of patient care pathways through a network of facilities. Each "layer" as you move out from the center is a s...

  • Trella Health Patient Acuity

    Overview Patient Acuity measures the level of effort required by providers to care for a patient. This is important because differing acuity levels change a provider’s staffing, workforce education...

  • Readmission Rates

    Definition A readmission is a care event where a patient is admitted to any inpatient stay within 30 days of being discharged from an inpatient stay. Like this: INP D/C  INP (RE)Admission within 30...