Explore Physician Groups
We’ve added Physician Groups to the Explore page, allowing you to conduct more thorough network analysis. Use the search bar to find physician groups by name or NPI. You can also apply the Location by Physician Group filter to narrow results based on specific state, county, city, and ZIP criteria.
Click the ‘+’ next to a physician group name to expand details.
You’ll see the list of providers who had professional claims filed under the group’s billing NPI during the reporting period. Providers are categorized as one of the following clinician types: PCP, Specialist, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, and Other.
Add Metrics
Click the “Add Metrics” button at the top left to select from 30+ metrics, including FFS Annual Patient Count, DCE Claims Aligned Lives (Estimate), and MSSP ACO Prospective Aligned Lives (Estimate).
Metrics apply to the physician group and are not broken out at the individual clinician level.
Save your View
Once you have the metrics you want added to the table, save the view with a name that identifies your choices so you can reload the view easily.
After clicking on "Save as" choose a name and click "save."
Compare Standard DCE Metrics Across Timeframes
In addition to existing PY1 metrics based on claims with a Date of Service (DoS) in 2020, now you can see actual performance for PY1 based on claims through Q2 2021.
You can also compare metrics for the Implementation Period (IP) based on claims with a 2020 or 2019 DoS. 2019 data provides a helpful pre-pandemic baseline.
Simply select the time frame you’d like to view Standard DCE metrics for using the dropdown on the Home page. Note that when viewing PY1 metrics for the partial year (DoS 2021 through 2021-Q2), the following tiles are intentionally excluded: SNF Admissions, ED/OBS Visits, Inpatient Admissions, Home Health Admissions, and Hospice Admissions.
Filter Physicians by Beneficiary Location
Use the new Beneficiary Locations filter on the Physician Explore page to refine physician results based on beneficiary address. Filtering by beneficiary location can give you a better sense of where a physician is truly practicing, which may be different from the provider’s registered address. Physicians who treat beneficiaries in multiple states will appear in results for each of those states.
You can still apply the Provider Locations filter (previously named Location), which pulls primary addresses from the NPPES NPI Registry. Since NPPES relies on clinicians to keep their information current, addresses are inaccurate for those who have moved and not updated the registry.
Add the “Beneficiary Locations (Out of State)” metric to see the percentage of beneficiaries a physician treats outside their registered home state. You’ll see associated percentages for up to five states. The column will appear blank for physicians who exclusively treat in-state beneficiaries.
Manage Multiple Mosaic Tabs with Ease
Clearly see which Mosaic pages you have open with descriptive tab text. For open Analyze pages, you’ll now find specific provider information in the browser tab description.
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